I am inspired by the work that Lissa Rankin, M.D. is doing relating to looking inward to help us find the source of our illness and disease.  I watched another one of her videos yesterday and I am coming to agree more and more that we each have such control over our wellness and well being.

Sometimes the questions we have to ask ourselves AND answers we need to search for are challenging.  And we are soooooo worth it.  Without that, our bodies yell louder and louder at us to get our attention.  New aches, pains and ailments surface, and they get bigger and louder as we ignore them or ignore us as a significant part of the solution.

Yes sometimes medical experts caBigGirlPanties1.jpgn help us, and we must also look at ourselves, our beliefs, values, how we are living our life.  It’s continuing to do what we’ve always done that has got us to where we are.  To change, we must what what we do, believe and live.

I believe we must put on our “big girl panties” and champion ourselves.

Put on your “Big Girl Panties”
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